Found 880 results.

MarXman marking tool bestowed Retailers Choice Award
MarXman, the UK-manufactured professional marking tool, has been awarded the Retailers Choice Award at the 2019 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas.

EFC adds motion control products and gas springs to product offering
EFC International has announced the addition of a new product line, Normont Motion Technology, including gas springs, dampers and custom motion control solutions.

Stahlwille wins German Design Award for Torsiotronic torque screwdriver
Stahlwille's electromechanical Torsiotronic torque screwdriver has been awarded a German Design Award; combining functionality, ergonomics & aesthetics.

Fastener Fair USA picks manufacturing central Charlotte for 2020 expo
Charlotte has turned from a textile and tobacco centre into an advanced manufacturing central with multiple global businesses opening up shop there.

MRO supplier Zoro UK launches automatic replenishment servicing
Grainger-owned Zoro has expanding its range of services for manufacturing and engineering with a new automatic replenishment servicing offering.

Hilti Liechtenstein HQ modernisation project completes another stage
The third building in Hilti's big headquarters modernisation project has now been completed. 200 staff are now in the new Office Building in Liechtenstein