Found 1929 results.

Rapierstar invests in new 2,500 ft² Learning & Development Centre
Rapierstar, has announced it is creating a new state-of-the-art Learning and Development Centre located within its head office complex near Macclesfield.

Fixings firm Gripit in "precarious position" and severs connection to founder
Dragons' Den favourite Gripit Fixings has come into financial difficulities, says a letter sent to investors, with an insolvency practitioner brought in

Fastener failure leaves rush hour train door open at 80 mph speeds
Thanks to a fastener failure a commuter train travelled for 16 miles with an open door, at speeds up to 80 mph, thanks to improperly fastened screws

Port of Felixstowe adds new rail destination, East Midlands Gateway
The Port of Felixstowe has added a new rail destination - to the East Midlands Gateway hub, recently created near Castle Donnington