
Found 1141 results.


TR Fastenings continues to support Swedish Formula Student team

TR Fastenings has renewed its support of a Formula Student motorsport team from Sweden for the third consecutive year. 


SPOTLIGHT: Warehouse expansions, product innovations & digital investments with pgb-Europe

Torque hopped across the North Sea to visit pgb-Europe’s newly expanded warehouse and talk through the company’s latest period of growth.


Registration opens for Fastener Trade Show Suzhou

Fastener Trade Show Suzhou will return for its 19th instalment between 23-25 October at the Suzhou International Expo Centre in China. 


Ajax Fasteners faces 2-day administrators auction in September

Administrators were appointed for ACME Operations Pty Ltd, trading as Ajax Fasteners, on the 1st August under Section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001.


Spotlight: How instilling a Japanese production philosophy has led to waste avoidance & continuous improvement, with fischer Group

At the fischer headquarters in Baden-Württemberg we spoke to Florian Birkenmayer and Johannes Konrad about all things new with the fixings giant...


Inaugural construction awards announced at UKCW

New industry awards to recognise the 10 'best businesses in construction' were announced on the first day of UK Construction Week (UKCW), 8 October.