With much of the UK self-isolating and making essential journeys only, anecdotal evidence has indicated there's a lot less motor vehicle traffic on the road, easing pressure on wholesalers and logistics companies that are continuing to operate in the fastener, tool and related industries.
Official statistics have confirmed there has been a huge drop in traffic - the Guardian notes that road traffic levels are down a huge 71% in the UK, with an ever greater fall (83%) on motorways and trunk roads.
So low are traffic levels, that there are close to those last seen in the UK in the 1950s.
The Department for Transport has confirmed to the Road Haulage Association and Freight Transport Association that the work of the logistics sector is essential and should continue to the "greatest extent possible" through the Covid-19 crisis.
All travel related to the operation of logistics or necessary travel by logistics workers to place of work - such as distribution centres - is considered "essential travel" in the context of current restrictions.