Saint-Gobain, Jewson’s parent company, has exchanged binding contracts with The STARK Group to sell all the businesses of Saint-Gobain Building Distribution Ltd (SGBD) including Jewson. The sale is expected to be completed in Q1 of 2023.
The STARK Group is headquartered in Denmark, with operations in six countries in Northern Europe. The STARK Group has a complete focus on building distribution, and like Jewson a strong focus on giving customers a great experience and being a responsible sustainable business.
The STARK Group is investing in SGBD/Jewson to support plans for growth which are centred around providing a great experience and continuing to evolve the services for customers’ current and future needs.
The planning for this transition is underway with the aim to make it as seamless and smooth as possible for customers. There is no change for now. Jewson continues to operate and trade as normal.
There is also no change at this moment for suppliers as all order and invoice processes remain the same. Any changes will be notified in advance.