Found 477 results.

Trump calls temporary tariff truce on China trade war
President Trump and President Xi Jinping have agreed a truce on their ongoing trade war, meaning that tariffs will not be increased for at least 90 days.

Bufab acquires American Bolt & Screw Corp
Bufab has announced the acquisition of American Bolt and Screw (ABS), a distributor of fasteners and other C-class components to the North American market.

Supply chain fears as Boeing suspends 737 Max production
Boeing suspends 737 Max production as stockpiles of the grounded aircraft reach 400, prompting concerns for the singificant supply chain for the aircraft

Bulten acquires PSM International for $24.5 million
Bulten has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in PSM International Holdings for $24.5 million to strengthen its international position.

EFC International adds air filter hardware components to product line
EFC International has added air filter clips and speciality air filter fasteners, manufactured by Springfield Spring & Stamping, to its product line.

Fastener Training Week scheduled for Cleveland in March
The Fastener Training Institute has announced its next Fastener Training Week is scheduled to take place 16-20 March in Cleveland.

Coronavirus: "Companies need to urgently review their supply chain"
Thanks to the continuing impact of coronavirus on the supply chain warnings from supply chain experts are targeting those reliant on China's factories