Found 1876 results.

SPOTLIGHT: Warehouse expansions, product innovations & digital investments with pgb-Europe
Torque hopped across the North Sea to visit pgb-Europe’s newly expanded warehouse and talk through the company’s latest period of growth.

Lee Spring moves for Longcroft Engineering
Spring specialist Lee Spring has acquired UK-based Longcroft Engineering to support continued growth in the UK and across Europe

Spotlight: How instilling a Japanese production philosophy has led to waste avoidance & continuous improvement, with fischer Group
At the fischer headquarters in Baden-Württemberg we spoke to Florian Birkenmayer and Johannes Konrad about all things new with the fixings giant...

"Consumers will start to really punish businesses not acting sustainably"
The forum discussed the UK retail sector, growth of e-commerce, overstocking and an increasing demand for sustainability from consumers.

Torque Magazine to exhibit at Cologne Hardware Show for first time
Making its debut, Torque Magazine is to exhibit at Cologne Hardware Show, a key tool and fastener exhibition taking place March 2020.