Solihull-based Wavenet Ltd this week announced the acquisition of OGL Computer Support Holdings Limited and its two subsidiaries OGL Computer Support Limited and CyberGuard Technologies Limited.
A press statement said the acquisition presents a fantastic opportunity for the OGL Group as it not only enhances the portfolio of services offered by OGL Computer Support and CyberGuard Technologies to support future expansion into new markets, but it also enables the hugely successful OGL Software division to break away from the Group to focus solely on its ERP business.
“Over the past 45 years the OGL Group has grown significantly," said Debbie Barton, Chief Executive Officer of OGL Software. "And our products/services and markets have diversified so much that we felt there was greater opportunity to realise our ambitious growth plans if we gave each division its own space to expand. But it was important that we found the right way to do that for all three divisions so when Wavenet approached us about the IT Services and Cyber Security part of the business, it presented the perfect solution.
“The acquisition will enable us to continue to grow our highly successful OGL Software business. Having been actively involved in the running of this side of the business for over 35 years, I am thrilled to be able to head up the newly independent operation as we embark on the next chapter. We are proud to be a family-owned business, as we feel that is what enables us to really understand the daily challenges facing our UK customers who are often, themselves, family-run.”
Sharon Moreno, Head of Operations at OGL Software, commented: “OGL Software is now one of the leading ERP solutions for stockists, distributors and wholesalers across the UK, and following the official launch of our new product, Profit4, in January 2021 the software company has been experiencing huge success. We have ambitious growth plans to further secure our position in the market and this new independence will give us the space and opportunity to really focus on our core business.
“Our software customers will receive the same first-class, personal service that they are used to, and we will continue to recommend OGL Computer Support and CyberGuard Technologies to our customers for their IT and cyber security services. It’s a really exciting time and I am looking forward to working with our staff and customers to drive the OGL Software business forward.”
OGL Software is the author and developer of the long-established prof.ITplus, and its newly launched Profit4, ERP solutions. OGL’s software solutions are designed to improve the efficiency, productivity and profitability of hundreds of stockists, distributors and wholesalers across the UK, by bringing together key business processes including; CRM, Sales Order Processing, Warehouse Management, Stock Management, Accounts & Invoicing, Sales Analysis, eCommerce and Shopping Channel Integration (i.e. eBay and Amazon).