The UK's distribution and warehousing sector was amongst those that saw growth in employment in 2016, according to UHY Hacker Young Chartered Accountants.
'Warehousing activities' was the fifth most buoyant sector among all UK industries in terms of employment, up 7.8%, from 295,000 in 2015 to 318,000.
Manufacture of motor vehicles saw similar growth this year, up 7% from 142,000 in 2015 to 152,000 in 2016.
Automotive manufacturing bucked the overall manufacturing trend, however, with the sector making up three out of the worst five areas in terms of percentage change in employment numbers. Manufacture of basic metals saw employment numbers down 7.8% from 64,000 to 59,000. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products was down 12.9% from 101,000 to 88,000.
“Manufacturing has seen employment numbers fall sharply in the face of international competition and ongoing technological advances,” explained Paul Daly, partner at UHY Hacker Young Chartered Accountants. “The obvious exception is car manufacturing which saw a rise in employment numbers and output last year which bodes well for the industry’s future as the UK prepares to leave the EU.
“Although the weaker pound should make exports cheaper, the fall in output last quarter for manufacturing overall is a worrying sign that the full effects of the Brexit vote are yet to be realised.”
There's more on this story at www.uhy-uk.com