Tite-Fix has unveiled its most advanced screw yet, Screw-Tite 2.
As seen in Stuttgart, Screw-Tite 2 features the Stick-Tite drive system, drives one-handed and at awkward angles and there's no need to pilot. What's more, Screw-Tite 2 avoids timber splitting, can be screwed close to the edge and offers a strong, fast and firm fix, said Tite-fix, which added the next generation screw 'works in almost anything'.
The patented Stick-Tite drive system provides grip between the bit and screw for a tight fit, ensuring screws stick fast to the bit so they can be driven one-handed or at awkward handles if needed (including with a standard Pozi bit).

The high strength of the core means that there's no need to pilot for the majority of applications. Meanwhile, Dowel-Tite tech is the concept of the fixing and dowel in one - the new Dowel-Tite shank acts as a dowel, removing the need for additional support and reducing lateral movement while the Tri-Lock TS threadform provides the fast and firm fix.
The new dowel ream reduces timber splitting, allowing for screwing close to the edge. The acutre Tri-Lock shank reduces torque, helping the screw go in easy and - together with the course single thread - locks into the substrate. Other features include the enhanced dual start - the Tri-Lock TS threadform offers the benefit of a twin and single thread in one with fast insertion, an enhanced start and a balanced, straight drive with no kicking over on entry.

To find out more or to stock Screw-Tite 2, contact the firm via phone +44 (0) 844 571 0003 or web www.tite-fix.co.uk.