This week, the Speaker and key members of the Swedish Parliament visited the Nord-Lock wedge-locking technology factory.
The visit, including a large delegation of national and regional politicians, was in recognition of Nord-Lock Group's global expansion and its engineering achievements.
The Nord-Lock Group originated in Sweden and is today a global group with four main business areas, six factories and more than 20 sales offices worldwide. The patented Nord-Lock wedge-locking technology is still produced in Sweden and the factory is full of advanced equipment, manufacturing highly advanced bolt securing systems around the clock to serve growing global demand.
Nord-Lock said: "During the visit, the visitors were impressed by the state-of-the-art production facilities that Nord-Lock invested heavily in during the recent years. Today the factory is a telling example of how a high-tech company can compete on a global scale thanks to their unique combination of know-how and manufacturing excellence. The Nord-Lock bolt securing systems that are produced in Sweden are used in critical applications around the globe, from the deepest seas all the way up in space. There is basically no place where these products cannot go: be it the high speed trains in Japan, skyscrapers in Dubai, windmills in the US or on mining drill heads in Latin America.
"Bolt securing systems from Nord-Lock continue to make the world a safer place."