NORMA's COO moves on, hunt begins for replacement

John Stephenson, Chief Operating Officer of NORMA Group, left the company at his own request on 31 January.

Bernd Kleinhens, Chairman of the Management Board, will take the reins while the hunt is on for Stephenson's successor.

John Stephenson headed NORMA Group’s operative business as part of the Management Board since 2009 and established APAC’s structure during his time as President of the Asia-Pacific region from 2011 to 2014. The Management Board position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) will be refilled.

“We would like to thank John Stephenson for his outstanding achievements as COO," said Dr. Stefan Wolf, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NORMA Group. "Under his leadership, NORMA Group increased its quality standards and production efficiency worldwide.

“During his term as President of the Asia-Pacific region, he also opened up new growth markets in the area of water management through three acquisitions and successfully integrated the acquired companies into the Group. We regret to see John Stephenson leave NORMA Group and wish him all the best for his future career.”

Bernd Kleinhens, Chairman of NORMA Group, added: “John Stephenson’s many initiatives have had a significant impact on NORMA Group’s success and are valuable foundations on which we can continue to build. I thank him for his collegial cooperation on the Board and wish him every success in the future.”

John Stephenson informed the Supervisory Board in 2017 that he would like to resign from the Management Board at the latest with the expiration of his term of office in July 2018.