Manchester-based Globus - which has grown to become a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) leader with global reach - has received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise, one of the UK’s most prestigious awards for business performance.
Globus, which along with its HQ in Manchester has manufacturing facilities in Lancashire and Scotland and regional operations in Dubai, received the Queen’s Award for its work in developing international trade.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, Mr Warren J Smith KStJ JP DLitt LLD, visited the company earlier this month 5 July, touring the offices and logistics facilities before officially presenting the Award on behalf of the Queen.
Since its formation in 1994, Globus has grown to become an internationally recognised leader and innovator in the PPE industry, growing markets around the world.
The Queen’s Award accolade, in the International Trade category, was received for demonstrating 'outstanding, year-on-year growth' over the last six years, reflecting the achievements Globus has made in developing export markets.
Chief Executive of Globus Group, Haraldur Agustsson said: "I am very proud of what Globus represents - it's an innovation success story. We operate in some very cost conscious environments, yet despite this have continued to achieve excellent continuous growth without having to compromise on our quality of service or commitment to innovation in protecting people. It's an honour for the business to be recognised by Her Majesty the Queen and we will display our Queen's Award emblem with pride over the coming five years."
The Queen's Awards for Enterprise is an awards programme for British businesses who excel at international trade, innovation or sustainable development. They are the most prestigious corporate awards that any UK business can win.