Fabory is an official partner of the Dutch Nuon Solar Team that will take part in the 2018 Sasol Solar Challenge later this month to promote knowledge and the use of sustainable energy.
As partner, Fabory will supply the team with the fastening expertise and fasteners they need to build and maintain their solar powered car, the Nuna9S.
“The Fabory brand reflects the necessity of continuity, the strength of mastery and the spirit of people as drivers for success," said Fabory Commercial Director Gerben Willemsen. "For the Nuon Solar Team as well, these factors determine whether they win or lose. The team’s innovations are the other powerful drivers of their success, which they hope to prolong in South Africa, and even set the global standard for the performance of solar powered cars, just like Fabory is setting the standard in fastening solutions.”
The Sasol Solar Challenge 2018 takes place in South Africa over 22-30 September and the 20 competing cars will cover more than 4,500 kilometers, from Pretoria to Stellenbosch. The cars are powered solely by solar energy, which requires good engineering, great drivers and a team that manages energy, the weather and the routes well. The winning team is the one that achieves the most kilometers. Fabory said it has great faith in the abilities of the ten students from the Technical University Delft who make up the Nuon Solar Team.
In support of the Nuon Solar Team and to share the vibe of the Solar Challenge with its customers, Fabory will organise special Fabory Days in the Netherlands and Belgium at the end of September.
Special promotions will be available in the Fabory Shops and customers will receive a solar powered give-away with their purchase.