Like most other shows this year, WindEnergy Hamburg is to be delayed from its original timeslot.
Wind Energy Hamburg will switch from September to new dates of 1-4 December 2020, when the organisers "hope that global business travel will be possible again".
Despite disruption felt across all sectors, the wind market is relatively positive, despite the impact of Covid-19, according to the WindEnergy trend:index (WEtix).
Germany is seeing an end to the negative trend seen in previous surveys, while the international wind market is largely positive, if slightly down on previous surveys. Looking further ahead, however, expectations are "markedly more optimistic"
Both the onshore and offshore segments anticipate increased optimisation driven by digitalisation (eg automation of wind farms, sector coupling and smart grids), with offshore the more significant player in digitalisation.
Likewise, there is growing expection around the potential of new technology to reduce costs, again largely in the offshore sector.