Hilti is to roll out connected traceable fasteners with unique identification and digital documentation for the construction site.
Revealed at the World of Concrete trade show, and tying into its head-turning automated robot concept for construction sites, Hilti's 'Tracefast technology" makes every smart fastener uniquely identifiable and traceable.
While traceability is more closely associated with production lines, the Tracefast technology-enabled Hilti Connect App allows users to scan the code with a smartphone and view the installed fastener details. That enables digital access to the relevant setting instructions, training and inspection documents and certifications.
"As IoT transforms the construction industry, our product portfolio will continue to expand and shape possibilities for broader applications and services," said Muthu Manohar, Senior Director of Fastening & Protection at Hilti North America. "Connected anchors is another expansion of that value that only Hilti is positioned to provide.
"The anchor identification that we bring to the market now paves the way for increasing jobsite productivity across the application chain, helps provide traceability from design and ordering to installation, and eventually 'smarter' products. Such technology is useful with the increasing trend of inspections on safety critical applications."

There's more from Hilti on traceable fasteners on its offficial site.
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