The EcoVadis sustainability ranking has awarded Bulten gold medal status.
The automotive fastener solutions specialist has been ranked in the top one per cent of companies in its industry.
EcoVadis is an independent international organization that evaluates, scores, and ranks companies’ integration of sustainability issues in their business activities. The assessment is based on 21 criteria in four areas: environment, fair working conditions, business ethics, and the supply chain. The method used is based on international CSR standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the UN Global Compact, and ISO 26000.
Bulten’s sustainability practices include a drive to reduce energy intensity by 3% annual per kg cold forged steel, as well as codes of conducts for suppliers and partners, and targets on employee engagement and turnover.
“Bulten’s ambition and sustainability strategy is that the entire business should be permeated by a sustainability-oriented way of thinking," said Marlene Dybeck, SVP HR and Sustainability. "We are hugely proud of this recognition which consolidates our position as one of the best in our industry when it comes to sustainability."
An overview of Bulten’s sustainability efforts is reported as part of the company’s annual report, which can be found at www.bulten.com.