PT Mowilex Indonesia (Mowilex), a producer of premium paints and wood coatings, is partnering with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, the National Carpentry Council, and the Vocational Training Centre on a three-year program to certify highly qualified Tukang (craftsmen).
Habitat for Humanity funding supports the program that will train 210 low-income participants from Indonesia's Tangerang Regency, including painters, applicators and other beginner construction workers. Mowilex is donating funds, paint and volunteer hours, while the Vocational Training Centre is leading classroom sessions. The National Carpentry Council will oversee on-the-job training experiences and award an applicators' certification to students who successfully complete the 10-day training.
The investment will bring much-needed professionals to the industry. The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) says fewer than one million of Indonesia's 8.3 million building tradespeople are certified. Certification makes workers more competitive in a global marketplace. It also opens job opportunities that help low-income workers achieve financial independence.
"Habitat for Humanity is a global leader that helps families attain the stability and independence they need to build better lives, and Mowilex is honoured to be selected as their partner in this project. Together with the National Carpentry Council and the Vocational Training Centre, we are educating young people for gainful employment. As this program improves overall paint application quality, it also lifts people out of poverty and benefits entire communities," says Niko Safavi, CEO of PT Mowilex Indonesia.
"We know that in Indonesia, the number of certified construction workers is still small. The implementation of this certified training program is an effective step. In addition to supporting the government to produce skilled construction workers to build better houses, this training is expected to increase the workers' income in the future. We appreciate Mowilex's support in launching this training program," said Susanto Samsudin, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.
The first nine days of training explore theory and practice. On day 10, participants take a related certification exam. The certification equips builders and applicators with the knowledge to construct sturdy commercial and residential structures meeting the standards of building material manufacturers.