Found 1274 results.

Fastener failure leaves rush hour train door open at 80 mph speeds
Thanks to a fastener failure a commuter train travelled for 16 miles with an open door, at speeds up to 80 mph, thanks to improperly fastened screws

BHETA Service Provider Forum covers currency, legislative change & maximising the potential of Amazon
BHETA's first Business Service Provider Forum welcomed members to Federation House to showcase its added value and special rate business services.

NMBS forms new partnership with TTF
The National Merchant Buying Society (NMBS) and the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) are forming a new partnership from January 2020.

Port of Felixstowe adds new rail destination, East Midlands Gateway
The Port of Felixstowe has added a new rail destination - to the East Midlands Gateway hub, recently created near Castle Donnington

HB42 sees sales grow 45% & sets sights on NMBS Exhibition
Following a bonanza year for sales growth, Hilton Banks has announced it will be exhibiting its HB42 range of sealant and adhesives at the NMBS Exhibition.

Simpson Strong-Tie owner sees sales and profits rise despite currency headwinds
Simpson Strong-Tie owner Simpson Manufacturing saw both sales and profits rise despite the impact of negative currency exchange

Safety boot firm Rock Fall expands UK HQ
Safety boot manufacturer Rock Fall has secured planning permission for a new 5,000 sq ft extension of its "Unit 4", with construction now underway.

Hexstone on China’s coronavirus shutdown: “We have contingencies in place”
UK fastener giant Hexstone on the coronavirus shutdown in China's factories "we are ready with contingency meausres if shutdowns extend"