
Found 176 results.


TTI sees profit soar 11.9% in first half of 2019

Techtronic Industries (TTI) has revealed record results for the first half of this year, seeing increases in revenue, net profit and EBIT.


Festool celebrates 20th anniversary with Emerald Edition collection

Festool USA is celebrating 20 years of business in the US - its emerald anniversary - with a limited release of its Emerald Edition tools.


Ship & Shore Environmental: Meeting the growing demand for industrial eco solutions

Ship and Shore Environmental: The technicalities of RTOs, a growing demand for industrial eco solutions and tackling China's pollution problem...


Hexstone on China’s coronavirus shutdown: “We have contingencies in place”

UK fastener giant Hexstone on the coronavirus shutdown in China's factories "we are ready with contingency meausres if shutdowns extend"
