
Found 880 results.


Ship & Shore Environmental: Meeting the growing demand for industrial eco solutions

Ship and Shore Environmental: The technicalities of RTOs, a growing demand for industrial eco solutions and tackling China's pollution problem...


Shimtech Industries acquires Fastener Technology Corp

Shimtech Industries has acquired Fastener Technology Corp, a North Hollywood based supplier of speciality fasteners for aerospace applications.


Port of Felixstowe adds new rail destination, East Midlands Gateway

The Port of Felixstowe has added a new rail destination - to the East Midlands Gateway hub, recently created near Castle Donnington


Simpson Strong-Tie owner sees sales and profits rise despite currency headwinds

Simpson Strong-Tie owner Simpson Manufacturing saw both sales and profits rise despite the impact of negative currency exchange


Earnest Machine purchases National Threaded Fasteners

Effective since January 31st of this year, Ohio-based National Threaded Fasteners (NTF) has been purchased by wholesaler Earnest Machine.
