
Found 697 results.


Draper Tools launches new tool storage range

Draper Tools has launched a new range of sheet steel modular storage cabinets and chests, with different sizes, colours and specifications available. 


Supply chain fears as Boeing suspends 737 Max production

Boeing suspends 737 Max production as stockpiles of the grounded aircraft reach 400, prompting concerns for the singificant supply chain for the aircraft


Toolstation reaches 400 branches after adding 100 stores in 2 years

Having opened a whopping 100 stores in 2 years, the Toolstation 400 branches milestone has been reached this month by owner Travis Perkins


Fastener Training Week scheduled for Cleveland in March

The Fastener Training Institute has announced its next Fastener Training Week is scheduled to take place 16-20 March in Cleveland.


Coronavirus: "Companies need to urgently review their supply chain"

Thanks to the continuing impact of coronavirus on the supply chain warnings from supply chain experts are targeting those reliant on China's factories