Found 1268 results.

On The Tools CEO to speak at Enterprise Nation's StartUp 2019 event
On The Tools CEO, Lee Wilcox, has been announced as a speaker at Enterprise Nation's StartUp 2019 event, taking place tomorrow.

Draper Tools launches new tool storage range
Draper Tools has launched a new range of sheet steel modular storage cabinets and chests, with different sizes, colours and specifications available.

Women urged to choose a career in construction to deliver HS2 scheme
Women in the West Midlands are being encouraged to embark on a career in the construction industry to help deliver the first phase of the HS2 scheme.

TR Fastenings enjoys 4th successful year at Automechanika Birmingham
TR Fastenings has completed its fourth successful appearance at Automechanika Birmingham, which took place at the NEC between 4-6 June.