In the past year, the SFS Group has achieved good results around sustainability. Progress was made in the environmental field, in expanding the share of energy from renewable sources and significantly reducing direct emissions. SFS has defined new key topics, which will be reported on in the Sustainability Report 2022.
In 2022, reporting in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) was adapted to the new requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-Standards 2021). Key topics have been identified, and SFS will report comprehensively on these in the future: Energy and emissions, Sustainable solutions, Procurement, Employee promotion and engagement and Occupational health and safety.
Environment: Direct emissions reduced and share of renewable energy increased
The greatest progress made last year was in environmental targets. With a reduction of –48.4% compared to the base year 2020, the SFS Group has taken a major step closer to achieving the planned target of reducing direct CO2 emissions by at least 90% compared to value creation by 2030. Direct emissions (Scope 1 and 2) were reduced by –18.7% in absolute terms in 2022, despite a 45.1% increase in sales. With a share of 49.7% (PY 37.7%), SFS significantly increased the use of renewable electricity as a percentage of total electricity consumption.
Social: Employee development encouraged
In terms of social issues, the focus in 2022 was on employee satisfaction and development. Talent development was further expanded and through the Advanced Leadership Development Program (ALDP). SFS wants to fill 70% of senior management positions with internal candidates. The number of accidents per million hours worked was reduced by –1.4%.
Outlook for 2023: Filling data gaps and setting new targets
In 2023, SFS intends to close existing data gaps and set additional targets. At the same time, there is a need to increase the focus on the rate of occupational accidents. In addition to the reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 already announced, the development of a decarbonisation strategy that will go all the way to net zero is planned.