Bulten’s Board of Directors has decided to stay with financial targets set in 2020 and running till 2024. Apart from organic growth a key strategy will be acquisitions in Asia and America. Ansers Nystrom, President and CEO says Bulten aims to achieve sales of SEK 5 billlion by 2024 – representing an annual growth rate of 10%. These targets remain in force despite the effects of COVID-19.
The focus on six priorities will be:-
- Increased profitability to new and existing customers by providing a Full Custom Service Provider concept with a clear sustainability offering to reduce customers’ supply chain carbon footprint.
- The new surface treatment factory in Poland will be completed to increase productivity and release some capital tied up, and improve its carbon footprint.
- Continued profitable growth in the automotive industry by taking advantage of new megatrends and getting access to new players in that industry with a view to increasing sales to suppliers.
- Growth outside the Automotive sector – consumer electronics, agricultural machinery and energy production to become approx. One-fifth of Bulten’s sales in 2025.
- Further acquisitions in North America to be valued at around one-fifth of Bulten’s American sales by 2025.
- Reduction of Bulten’s supply chain carbon footprint by 25% up to 2030.
Bulten’s digital Capital Markets Day was held on 22 February 22 and was addressed by Aners Nystrom, Markus Baum(CCO) Emmy Pavlovic, SVP Purchasing and Quality and Anna Akerblad, CFO.
View this webcast via https://tvstreamfabriken.com/bulten-cmd-2022