BAU is kicking off later this month in Munich, covering the trade for Architecture, Materials and Systems.
Running 16-21 January 2017, BAU’s organisers will no doubt be hoping to build on last year’s show statistics, which saw visitor numbers break through the 250,000 threshold for the first time in its 50 year history. 72,000 of last year’s visitors were from overseas, with attendees from China and South Korea among those that jumped most significantly in attendance.
2016 exhibitor numbers were strong too, with 32% of the total (637) hailing from overseas.

Aimed at building-material retailers, planners and building tradesman, BAU will incorporate seminars covering topics like BIM, the challenges of creating high quality buildings and bringing new talent into the construction industry.
BAU also offers an intriguing ‘Long Night of Architecture’ night tour that takes visitors around 70 buildings, taking them behind the scenes and providing insights into the buildings.
Exhibition sectors for 2017 include:
- Stones/Soils
- Bricks/Roof building
- Stone/Cast stone
- Ceramics
- Floor coverings
- Chemical building products/Construction tools
- Investing in the future
- Aluminum; Machines/Tools for aluminum and steel work
- Steel/Stainless steel/Zinc/Copper
- Energy/Building systems/Solar technology
- Gate/Parking systems
- Locks/Fittings/Security
- Doors and windows
- Wood
- Glass; Building automation/Control
Read more about the show at the official site bau-muenchen.com