'Uber for tools' T'Work launches

T’Work is a new app and website that has already been compared with Uber – the app that has had a profoundly disruptive impact on the transport and taxi marketplace. Uber has allowed users to side step traditional licensed taxi companies and connect customers with drivers and their private cars, sometimes controversially, and has been an enormous success, with the service available in over 60 countries and more than 500 cities worldwide.

If T’Work can replicate anything like that level of success then the tool hire market is in for a significant shake up worldwide. T’Work effectively “rents tools from your neighbour’s garage”. Working on the premise that many people have tools in their garage that they are not using at any one time, the app promises to rent those unused tools out with those who do want to use them. Users can list their tools for rent and are connected to potential rental customers through the app.

Developed in the US, T’Work has a rental agreement to provide reassurance in case tools get broken and handles the payment information, promising not to give out information – beyond a picture and a name – until a rental exchange has been scheduled. Tool exchanges can take place at any location – not necessarily the renter’s home address. The peer-to-peer tool rental marketplace is currently being tested out in Lincoln, Nebraska.
