The British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA) has been advised by Government that the new Offensive Weapons Act (OWA2019), which includes new laws on the retailing of bladed items is scheduled to come into force in early April this year. Mindful of the products specifically mentioned in the legislation, it is holding a meeting of its bladed items steering group on February 11th.
The new OWA contains measures on the sales and delivery of corrosive products and knives and bladed products and articles. The Home Office ‘expects to commence all the remaining provisions of the Act in Spring 2022, including the sales and delivery provisions relating to corrosive products and knives and bladed products and articles’, and has advised that this is likely to be on or around 6 April 2022.
The Statutory Guidance provides interpretation on selling products to under eighteens and remotely and the Act will cover:
a. any kitchen knife regardless of size or design, cutlery knives, bread knives
b. knives used for the purpose of hobbies and trades, such as Stanley knives and snap-off cutters
c. gardening tools, or any other trade tool which could commonly be described as a knife
Thanks to lobbying by BHETA in the run up to the act, items such as scissors and secateurs are now excluded completely and cutlery, utility, snap off cutters, pizza cutters and small cheese knives are now explicitly listed as being ‘unlikely’ to be considered part of the Act for online sales.
The legislative advice also covers appropriate defences for suppliers of bladed items, should issues arise. These are:
i. Robust age verification system at point of purchase
ii. Clearly marked packaging
iii. The seller has ensured that a delivered package is handed over to a person aged 18 or over
iv. The seller has not delivered to a locker
Will Jones, BHETA’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “I am pleased that the Government has stuck to its plan to provide the industry with a notice period, which is one of the points about which BHETA has been lobbying – and that certain products are excluded. I am disappointed that cutlery remains within the scope of the new OWA, but our meeting will continue to advise on planning and the practical measures which the home enhancement industry can take to achieve a result that is both workable and responsible.”
For more information about BHETA, BHETA lobbying and the BHETA responsible knife retailing campaign, contact the BHETA Member Services team on 0121 237 1130 or visit the BHETA website www.bheta.co.uk.